
Showing posts from May, 2020
ONE YEAR AFTER...  It still sounds kind of surreal whenever I think about it. Time really does go by when you are having fun. I remember my very first blog post like it was yesterday. I had like 7 people read it before I posted it. Not because it was my first time writing publicly but I wanted it to be perfect.  Like I said in the past, I kind of stumbled into this business or let’s say God led me here. I never thought I would enjoy doing something so much till I started working as a travel consultant. To celebrate our one year anniversary, I’d be sharing some tips I’ve learned over the course of one year as a travel consultant.  1. Do not be ashamed to ask for help : When I started this business, I didn’t know so much about the intricacies involved in travelling. However, I surrounded myself with experienced people in the travel industry and I was never ashamed to ask them questions about things I didn’t understand no matter how silly it seemed. As a matter of fact