
Showing posts from December, 2019
MY TRAVEL DIARY Traveling the world has always been something I’ve dreamed of doing. Prior to stumbling into the travel business, I never knew it was something I’d enjoy doing so much especially as a job and not as a client. I use stumbling because I never really set out to be in the business but by the stroke of chance I found myself in a business that I wish I had found sooner. 2019 was a really complicated year. There were a lot of lows and I made some really drastic changes in my life. I was actually prepared to officially mark 2019 as one of my worst years as an adult so far but something happened in October that changed the entire year. I got to go on a trip with the most amazing travel partner ever and I don’t think I’ve had more fun than those eight days I spent in Nairobi and Dubai. The sojourn started on the 6th of December. To be honest I could barely sleep. I was battling a very strange dry cough and I took some cough syrup. I was so loopy from the medicati